The Sims 4: Alle objecten op een rij

sims 4

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In het basisspel van The Sims 4 kun je honderden objecten kopen voor in en rondom je droomhuis. Zo zijn er ook veel objecten voor een Sims carrière. Onder deze objecten vallen onder andere: boekenkasten, tafels, stoelen, keukenapparatuur, bedden, audiosystemen, spiegels, spullen voor buiten, schilderijen en kinderspeelgoed. Al deze spullen kosten simoleons, de geldeenheid die in de sims wordt gebruikt. Een overzicht van alle spullen verkrijgbaar in de Limited Edition, Premium Edition, Digital Deluxe Edition en de Collectors Edition van het populaire spel The Sims 4.

The Sims 4

Dit spel is ontwikkelt door het bedrijf The Sims Studio in samenwerking met softwareontwikkelaar Maxis. De Nederlandse versie is uitgegeven door EA games (Electronic Arts). Dit bedrijf is ook bekend van de FIFA sportgames en de Battlefield schietspellen. In The Sims kan de speler één of meerdere karakters creëren om een leven mee op te bouwen. Je moet er voor zorgen dat je sims naar het toilet gaan, douchen, eten bereiden, werk zoeken, feesten organiseren en veel interactie hebben met andere sims in de buurt. Het vierde deel van The Sims bestaat uit twee werelden genaamd Willow Creek en Oasis Springs

De Sims 4 - PS4
De Sims 4 - PS4
The Sims 4: Bundle - Cats & Dogs, Parenthood, Toddler Stuff - Add-on - Xbox One
The Sims 4: Bundle - Cats & Dogs, Parenthood, Toddler Stuff - Add-on - Xbox One
The Sims 4 + Star Wars: Journey to Batuu - PS4
The Sims 4 + Star Wars: Journey to Batuu - PS4
De Sims 4: Middelbare School - Uitbreidingsset - Windows/Mac (Code in a Box)
De Sims 4: Middelbare School - Uitbreidingsset - Windows/Mac (Code in a Box)
De Sims 4: Ecologisch Leven - Expansion Pack - Windows + MAC - Code in box
De Sims 4: Ecologisch Leven - Expansion Pack - Windows + MAC - Code in box
De Sims 4: Studentenleven - Expansion Pack - Windows + MAC - Code in a Box
De Sims 4: Studentenleven - Expansion Pack - Windows + MAC - Code in a Box


Simoleon (§) is de munteenheid die gebruikt wordt sinds het allereerste spel. Met dit geld kun je objecten kopen om bijvoorbeeld je huis mee in te richten of vaardigheden mee te oefenen. Een simoleon kan verdient worden door te werken, verzamelingen compleet te maken en te verkopen en door te trouwen met de sim van je dromen. Ook kun je simoleons vergaren door middel van cheats en codes, maar dit is niet de leukste manier om het spel te spelen.


Het basisspel van The Sims 4 kan worden gekocht in meerdere versies. Bij de duurdere versies krijg je de kleine uitbreidingen feestbeest, dierenhoedjes en tot in de vroege uurtjes erbij. Deze heten in het Engels: life of the party, awesome animal hats en up all night. De beschikbare versies voor The Sims 4 zijn:

Standaard editie

Deze editie bevat alleen het basisspel. Prijs bij lancering van het spel in 2014: €59.99

Limited edition

Deze editie bevat het basisspel en digitaal ‘Feestbeest’ materiaal. Prijs bij lancering van het spel in 2014: €59.99

Premium edition

Deze editie bevat het basisspel, digitaal ‘Feestbeest’ materiaal, digitaal ‘Tot in de vroege uurtjes’ materiaal, een Creator’s Guide (boek) met daarin schetsen, een digitale Sims 4 soundtrack met muziek uit het spel en digitaal ‘Dierenhoedjes’ materiaal. Prijs bij lancering van het spel in 2014: €79.99

Digital deluxe edition

Deze editie bevat het basisspel, digitaal ‘Feestbeest’ materiaal, digitaal ‘Tot in de vroege uurtjes’ materiaal, een digitale Sims 4 soundtrack met muziek uit het spel en digitaal ‘Dierenhoedjes’ materiaal. Prijs bij lancering van het spel in 2014: €69.99

Collector’s edition

eze editie bevat het basisspel, digitaal ‘Feestbeest’ materiaal, digitaal ‘Tot in de vroege uurtjes’ materiaal, een Creator’s Guide (boek) met daarin schetsen, een digitale Sims 4 soundtrack met muziek uit het spel, digitaal ‘Dierenhoedjes’ materiaal en als extraatje zit er een USB Flash Drive van SteelSeries bij, die de vorm heeft van een Plumbbob diamant. Deze Flash Drive toont hoe je Sim zich op dit moment voelt. Prijs bij lancering van het spel in 2014: €99.99


In de onderstaande tabellen vind je alle objecten die je kunt kopen in het bassispel van The Sims 4. Alle objecten zijn gesorteerd op alfabet met daarachter de prijs. De objecten zijn in meerdere categorieën verdeeld om het overzichtelijk te houden. Via de onderstaande inhoud kunt u naar het overzicht naar keuze gaan.

Accent Tafels

Naam van het itemKosten
Bold Statements Console Table85
County Charm Trinket Table180
Riveting Console Table240
Royal Remembrance Hall Table325
Superior Mission Foyer Table65
Tabula Rasa Console Table45
The Crafty Craftsman Console Table105
Timeless Traditions Buffet135


ItemKostenBonus voor de omgeving
BathBuddy Shower Caddy901
Brash Tracks Towel Rack1601
Caress Scented Candles1101
Ceramic Soap Dispenser551
Countryside Caress Medicine Cabinet2401
Geometric Towel Rack801
Hotel Folded Bath Towels351
Pile of Laundry501
Plastic Laundry Basket701
RAW Bathroom Shelf4852
Rectangular Wicker Laundry Hamper901
Robe of the Believer Wall Hook801
Sea Star Bath Towel Holder1701
Sea Star Bath Towel Ring1651
Shelly’s Shells Towel Ring1551
Starq Towel Rack851
Tall Bath Cabinet2602
Terminus Reclaimed Pipe Towel Rack1001
The Zenith651
Toilet Paper Roll Holder501
Towel Storage Rack, Empty701
Towel Storage Rack, Full851

Activiteiten en vaardigheden

Apollo Rocketship8,750
Backyard Observatory1,500
Bar Setters Bar3,000
Bless Me Barrrrnacles Bar1,645
BodyCrunch Pro Home Gym System2,280
Bonsai Tree425
Chess Under the Stars Patio Table570
Classical Genius Antique Piano3,600
Deluxe All-Season Easel2,300
E.A.S.L Easel350
Easy-Breezy Easel915
Fisticuffs Punching Bag1,605
FitStep Treadmill900
Freezer Bunny Blues Guitar1,315
Grand Plans Chess Table1,000
Life Under a Microscope1,630
Pied Piper Acoustic Guitar600
PowerFit Multitrainer Exercise Machine1,500
Pre-Owned Painter’s Easel1,690
Punching Bag160
Punto Banco Wraparound Home Bar1,105
Retro Rockership10,000
Rock Legend Signed Guitar2,400
Steampunk Flyamajig5,000
Stringvarius Violin425
The Chessmaster450
The Long Island1,355
The Money Maker800
The Rack3,250
The Royal We Microphone250
The Sloop700
The Virtuoso Violin15,000
Tickle My Ivories Grand Piano1,415
VAULT Pro-Level Bar800
Woodworking Table1,800
Zero-G Training Bag3,800


Alertz Smoke Alarm75
Fire Prevention System Utility Panel750


ItemKostenBonus voor fun
GrammyFone Old-Fashioned Music Player2901
Jumpin’ Joe’s Jukebox1,4801
Kaboom Box1501
Mini Audio Blaster5301
Residential Wall Speaker2001
Rock of Ages Retro Stereo1,0301
The Landlord Whisper1,8804
Tower of Power Floor Speakers7452


ItemKostenBonus voor hygiëneBonus voor lolBonus voor stress
Floral Hygiene Clawfoot Tub61542
Jet Set Luxury Bath12,000105
My Secret Spa Tub2503
Princess Cordelia’s Bathtub2,28576
Rub-a-Dub Tub55531
Superb Soakster4503
The Epicure1,64565
Triteia Luxury Corner Bath with Jets3,000838


BlandCo Contemporary Counter150
BlandCo Contemporary Counter Island150
Corporate Chic Counter Island200
Corporate Chic Countertop200
S. Cargeaux Counter290
S. Cargeaux Counter Island290
Tall Order Vintage Counter345
Tall Order Vintage Counter Island345
The Harbinger Counter235
The Harbinger Island235
VAULT Modular Counter315
VAULT Modular Island315

Banken en love Seats

ItemKostenBonus voor comfort
Captain Rodrigo De Pablo Couch1,2008
Comfultimate Sofa6605
Cuttlefish Love Seat4603
Cuttlefish Sofa5303
Mega Loveseat2501
Mega Sofa235
Ocean’s Current Loveseat1,1008
Size-Sensitive Loveseat3701
Size-Sensitive Sofa4651
Squarely There Modern Loveseat180
Squarely There Modern Sofa2901
The Epiphany2751
The Hipster Hugger5003
The Illumination4251
Unabashed Loveseat6354
Unabashed Sofa7305


ItemKostenBonus voor comfort
Caress Barstool6157
Cephalopod Bar Stool2853
Cephalopod Bar Stool with Back Support7508
Domestic Satellite4107
Eschen Metal Bar Stool30
SPIN Industrial Barstool100
The Celestial1351
Velvet Embrace1951


Bar Setters Bar3,000
Bless Me Barrrrnacles Bar1,645
Punto Banco Wraparound Home Bar1,105
The Long Island1,355
The Money Maker800
The Sloop700
VAULT Pro-Level Bar800


ItemKostenBonus voor energie
Discretion Double Bedsystem2,0156
Discretion Single Bedsystem1,4605
Double Mission Single Bed1,3005
Mod Pod Sleeper4304
Mod Pod Twin Sleeper3004
Princess Cordelia’s Galleon Bed12,00010
Princess Cordelia’s Single Bed8,50010
Rustic Dream Bed3,85010
SIngle Mission Double Bed1,9206
Soothing Sleeper Double Bed7504
Soothing Sleeper Single Bed5604
The Barnish Bed6204
The Eminence1,2005
The Utopiate1,3905

Beelden ter decoratie

ItemKostenBonus voor omgeving
Antique Metal Milk Jug With Branch4452
Antique Typewriter1,345
Artiste Supply Taboret1,650
Astro Model Rocket135
Astro-Bunny Beyond Infinity1,510
Bars of Gold890
Bob the Butler Fancy Sculpture2,5008
Build Your Own Rocket Kit970
Bust of Baron von Dithering1,0154
Captain Chaz McFreely’s Galleon1,2255
Classic Pedestal-Style Bird Bath1801
Cock’s Crow Table Accent4352
Commemorative Freeze Ray850
Computer Hard Drive115
Country Cockerel2401
Darts Outdoor Sign360
Diner Outdoor Sign1,200
Duffle o’ Cash155
Emblems of Espionage115
Falling Water Modern Fountain7453
Fitness Outdoor Sign125
Flying Llama7005
Garden Friend701
Improbable Ottoman3201
Innovator’s Award for Excellence in Science525
Knight of the Octagon Table Suit of Armor8,20010
Mother Hen2702
Off the Charts Music Award720
On the Hunt Statuette4502
Our Founder Statue2,085
Pink Flamingo Lawn Decorations1601
Porc du Jour1601
Porcu-Pro Business Card Holder1002
Porkelain Pal1501
Portable Galaxy Lightshow350
Premium Prima Ballerina2,190
Princess Cordelia Royal Bust1,4005
Roman Pedestal200
Spitting Fish Fountain3502
Star Seeker Original Blueprints160
Stolen Necklace of the Late Duchess Pinky1,015
The Corporation Outdoor Sign210
The Monolith1,580
The Renascent6103
Triple-Tiered Fountain9004
Vintage Baseball Bat Sculpture2752
Wedding Pillar with Floral Basket180
You’ve Got Talent Award745


Activiteiten voor binnenKostenBonus voor lol
Elemental Display Rack85
Fit4Fish Crystal Fish Bowl60
Future Cube by Paltry Predictions, Inc.325
Got Game Table2355
PrioPerfection Motion Sensor Game Mat7,6509
The MotionMonitor Gaming Mat4,50010
Planten voor binnenKostenBonus voor omgeving
A Single Rose190
A Smattering of Lily Pads651
Bucket o’ Sunshine160
Carefree Succulent45
Caress Wheel Barrench2752
Crabtree Planter Pot4952
Domec Floral Floor Vase600
Feng Shui Planter55
Fine Feathered Fern120
Florist’s Dream Potted Lily2401
Florist’s Dream Watering Can3752
Frank the Friendly Ficus105
Grande Vase100
High Hopes Potted Plant85
Large Lily Pad25
Leafy Greens80
Little Buddy Bud Vase115
Lovely Lily Pot225
Mega Fern60
Mega Flower Pot25
Mega Houseplant Pot20
Mega Table Vase110
Mega Vase180
Minimalist Unplant520
My Own Private Eden Patio Shrub750
Neighborly Windowbox140
Orchid You Not Pot150
Potted Palm2094
Potted Youch702
Princess Cordelia Corset Vase3302
Reclaimed Corbel Vase6002
Regal Planter140
Snake Plant75
Statement Planter200
Sumptuous Floral Fantasy Arrangement600
Tabletop Potted Plant50
Teeny Planter120
Terra Cotta Potted Plant60
The Authority40
The Manifest30
Vase of Sunflowers235
Water Lilies in Bloom1001
Windowbox of Superiority75


ItemKostenBonus voor omgevingBonus voor lol
Bright Eyes Bookcase2405
Caress Bookcase1,80055
Deep Thoughts Bookcase1,7455
Hovercraft Miniframe53025
Industrial Etagere1,46545
Intellectual Illusion Wall-Mounted Bookshelves1755
Kid’s Bookcase1355
Mega Bookcase72525
Princess Cordelia Bookcase2,80075
RAW Bookshelf99035
Simple Symmetry Bookcase1,39545
The Enigma40025
The Muse2,1005
The Shugart Bookstation46025
Towering Intellect Dual Book Case2,00055
Young Minds Zen Bookcase3055


Buiten activiteitenKostenBonus voor lol
Blushing Beauty Wedding Arch100
Daddy’s Girl Formal Wedding Arch325
Garden Planter Box200
Garden Pot50
Look at Me Monkey Bars8457
Redbeard’s Revenge Pirate Ship Jungle Gym3,0008
Retro Rocketship10,00010
Starcruiser X Jungle Gym4,50010
Buiten kokenKostenBonus voor koken
Carbonette Charcoal Grill659Positief
GrillWise by GrillMania940Positief
The Incendiator by GrillMania1,300Positief
Buiten meubelsKostenBonus voor comfort
Avaris Glass-topped Patio Table80
Backyard Oasis Patio Table375
Backyard Oasis Umbrella Table325
Balanjar Teak Two-Seater Bench145
Brock Metal Dining Chair851
Canary Outdoor Dining Chair45
Demesne Round Table Patio Table501
Eco-Freak Teak Table200
Eco-Freak Teak Umbrella Table115
Garden Gander Bistro Table265
Happy Camper Picnic Table225
Hercynian Dining Chair70
Iron Oasis Dining Table525
Love is in the Air Seat350
Magus Round Patio Table55
Mallorca Teak Picnic Chair40
Must Be Loveseat150
My Yard or Yours Bistro Table210
My Yard or Yours Patio Table395
My Yard or Yours Umbrella Table210
Parking It Patio Bench225
Retrositter Bench265
Urbanity Concrete Picnic Table385
Buiten lichtenKostenGeen
Colonial Outdoor Wall Lamp90
Gastown Outdoor Wall Light40
Georgina Outdoor Lamppost with Double Hanging Planter415
Lloyd Outdoor Wall Sconce50
Mega Garden Lamp (Hanging)75
Mega Garden Lamp (Upright)60
Mega Wall Lantern (Basic)205
Mega Wall Lantern (Deluxe)55
Moonflower Outdoor Lamp155
MothBGone Outdoor Lamp50
Salem Outdoor Lamp120
Terrestrial Saucers95
The Animus45
The Superlative85
Warzau Outdoor Wall Lamp275


ItemKostenBonus voor omgeving
All-Purpose Desk1,3503
Antique Writer’s Desk970
Drafting Desk9252
Inspiration Desk7402
Knowledge Console by Kindermade325
Lacquered Up Console300
Mega Desk365
Mission Control705
Reconnaissance Workstation8105
T1-Fighter Desk430
The Recognizer5052


ItemKostenBonus voor lol
All-in-One Powerful PC4,0008
Ghostwriter Disappearing Desktop10,00010
How Low Can You Go Desktop Computer8003
Information Database3,0809
Mayhem Portable Computer4,6009
Milton Word Processor1,0155
P.R.I.M.A. 30002,3057
Respecterion Mid-Range Desktop1,4406
The Slablet1,0005
Top Secret Computer5,4009

Decoratie bij ramen

Capped Wall Plank70
Houndstopper Wallpiece135
Kiddie Shelf40
Mega Shelf105
Reclaimed Plank Shelf85
Rustic Wall Shelf180
The Immaculate45
The Jokoh Flats55
Underrated Underwater Shelf250

Douches, toiletten, wastafels

DoucheKostenBonus voor hygiëneBonus voor stress
Crystal Box Shower Stall1,31573
Double Delight2,10084
Post Modern Shower Stall2755
RAW Walk-In Shower63561
The Peregrine1,01572
Under the Sea Clawfoot Tub with Shower84561
Unicorn Dreamshower5005
ToiletKostenBonus voor blaasBonus voor comfort
Atlantis Plumbtrap755101
Modern Relief36510
Old Time Antique Toilet1,340104
RAW Toilet46010
Sweet Escapes Country Toilet1,800105
The Ambassador25010
WastafelKostenBonus voor hygiëneGeen
Brut Pedestal Sink1453
Bureau Sink2905
Cru Cabinet Sink3355
Last Resort Sink2754
Ovum Bath Sink1253
Poulton Footed Sink Vanity5006
Pure Simplicity Sink1603
RAW Industrial Sink2404
RAW Pedestal Sink2504
Sensa Counter Sink2054
The Amaranth2304
The Divine1653
The Patrician1203
Umber Kitchen Sink1855
Wunda Kitchen Sink1954

Eetkamertafels, kleine tafels, koffietafels

“Arr Ye Eating That” Dining Table1,290
Ate & Salvage Drafting Table415
Forbidden Footsies Dining Table1,125
Formal Mission Dining Table315
Grand Designs Dining Table435
Grand Hall Dining Table500
Martian Invader300
Mega Mega Table685
Mega Table335
Perfect Curve330
SLAB Farmhouse Table625
Simplicity Dining Table220
Square Meals Dining Table255
Taxonomical Creation475
The Cornucopia1,500
The Enduring500
The Fermata455
The Staccato275
Undersea Round Dining Table375
Undersea Traditional Dining Table575
Benner Coffeetable95
Caress Coffee Table135
Form & Function Industrial Coffee Table140
Mega Coffee Table70
Scalloped Edge Coffee Table110
Tabula Rasa Coffee Table60
The Ascension200
Kleine tafelsKosten
Audrinite Occasional Table140
Embark Nightstand110
Fingertip’s Delight240
Laramidian Endtable85
Mega End Table105
Mission Style End Table135
Naught-ical Nightstand350
Refurbished Pirate Chest Table325
Riveting End Table145
Simplicity Nightstand70
Tabula Rasa End Table65
The Penultimate145
The Ultimate265
The Vociferate180


ItemKostenBonus voor omgeving
Audrinite Dresser580
Enigma Dresser530
Hvit Armoire975
The Architrave780
The Neo1,025
Unmentionables Dresser1,1902
Weathered Wonder Dresser615
Willowdale High Boy Dresser1,480
Ysabel Horizontal Dresser765
Zes Horizontal Dresser695


Cafe Immodere155
Joe Jockey50
Stainless Steel Auto-Pot210
Tea Magic Personal Brewer275
The Caffeininator95
The Food Annihilator470
The Omniwaver795
The Schmapple Coffee365
The Schmapple Micro1,920
The Wavescatter240
Whipped Dream Cupcake Factory2,100
Crisponix Adequate675
Crisponix Budget Dee-Lux375
Crisponix Splendid1,425
Crisponix Ultragreat w/ Deluxe Crisper2,600
IceBOX Vintage Refrigerator1,925
Icebox of Steel by Krampft Industries3,000
The Schmapple Fridge14,000


Kind activiteitenKostenBonus voor lol
Amateur Hour Child’s Violin185
Creative Art Thou Activity Table3006
Junior Wizard Starter Set210
True Prodigy Child’s Violin320
Kind decoratiesKostenBonus voor omgeving
Antique Canal Boat2802
Baby Genius Mobile601
Banana Bank Heist Model Van3602
Bunny Buddy1351
Denny the Dinosaur2101
Gary Giraffe2001
Gnome Matter What, I’m Still Your Baby2101
Happy Gnome Garden Pal2001
Jolly Trolley Antique Replica3202
Ladybug Buddy1301
Llama Mama2602
Mancha-Lunch Box1151
Midnight Raven Model Car4052
Pre-assembled Model Sports Car3752
Pre-assembled Model Stunt Plane3902
River Queen Paddlewheel Boat4202
There’s No Place like Gnome1901
Train Set – Caboose4502
Train Set – Cargo Car4502
Train Set – Coal Car4502
Train Set – Engine Car4502
Train Set – Passenger Car4502
Unicorn Futures Children’s Bank501
Vintage Model Pickup Truck3752
Kind meubelsKostenBonus voor energie
Anti-Goblin Bed by Kindermade2404
Dreamland Nightstand45
Kindermade Dresser for Children450
Rock-a-bye Bassinet150
Teen Dreams Single3304
Thumbkin Child’s Dresser325


ItemKostenBonus voor omgeving
Brazen Time Wall Clock6603
Dear Old Grandfather Clock2,4007
Dodecagon Contemporary Clock140
Industrial Wall Clock210
Kindermade Clock40
Remembrance Clock1,2005
Sea Captain’s Clock8104
Simpler Times Mission-Style Clock1,3155
The Sentinel305
Tudor-Style Mantle Clock3102


3 Senses Oil Lamp45
A Lamp Named Claudine70
Anemone Wall Sconce95
Angling for Light Candle Sconce60
Angling for Light Mission Style Lamp80
Astro Solar System Light70
Athena’s Shield Wall Sconce105
Bartleby Outdoor Wall Sconce295
Beam Team Vanity Light75
Beauty in a Box Mission Lighting110
Bright Idea Robot Lamp70
Bunker Be Bright Wall Light215
Casa Morgan Mission-Style Lantern Chandelier130
Cast Iron Flood Light130
Cornerstone Lamp225
Cup O’ Light Wall Sconce135
Dispersive Lamp40
Dodecagon Contemporary Lamp50
Dollop o’ Light60
Flegel Studio Floor Lamp445
Glowstone Lamp90
Happy Panda Table Lamp35
Ice Droplet Sconce215
In the Raw Industrial Table Lamp135
Jellyfish Bell Table Lamp175
Jett Pendant Lamp80
Kid’s Ceiling Light70
Kid’s Floor Light65
Kid’s Soccer Ball Light45
Kid’s Table Light30
Kid’s Wall Light50
Lemonade on a Sunny Day Torchiere370
Lightbox Wall Fixture60
Long John Buttercups Chandelier140
Long John Buttercups Floor Lamp180
Long John Buttercups Table Lamp425
Long John Buttercups Wall Sconce140
Lumpen Lamentait Pillar Lamp75
Lunatech Floor Lamp With Shade80
Luniverse Outdoor Wall Sconce80
Me, Oh, Me, Oh, Me Vanity Lighting125
Mega Floor Lamp180
Mega Table Lamp245
Naked Truth Fluorescent Light85
Nerves of Steel Desk Lamp115
Normandic Light200
Oceania Wall Torchiere100
Old Life Gas Lamp125
Partyglass Lamp120
Personal Spotlight Desk Lamp90
Picture Perfect Art Lighting100
Plank Perfection Wall Light180
Pleasantly Pendant Chandelier130
Portola Pillar Lamp80
Reclamation Homeware Ceiling Lamp150
Return Desklight75
Ring o’ Light375
Royal Embrace Table Lamp125
Scalloped Table Lamp325
Scrivello Pendant Lamp225
Sea Glass Wall Sconce110
Sea Star Table Lamp340
Snoboll Pendant Lamp85
Strained Eye’s Ceiling Light185
Studio Equity Track Lighting Kit205
Sunbather Lamp70
The Aeon55
The Arcadia145
The Cage Outdoor Lighting200
The Chimera65
The Cutlass of Light95
The Definitive65
The Harmonic70
The Ignite170
The Prestige75
The Quetzal190
The Resplendent165
The Serendipity90
The Soothelight120
The Sovereign100
Torcher Inc. Fiat Luxe Pendant Lantern110
Totality Tripod Floor Lamp120
Tunicate Wall Sconce225
Two Thousand Ounces of Gold Under the Sea115
Unforgiving Light Wall Sconce65
You’ve Got the Light100

Open haarden, ovens

Overige decoratie

ItemKostenBonus voor omgeving
Alpine Peace4152
Antiqued Patent Posters1,4555
Art in a Box1,0754
Baby Bug Nursery Art301
Baby Bunny Nursery Art301
Baby Dino Nursery Art301
Better Than Bunny Decal45
Birds of a Feather Print Set2252
Blooming Beauty Wall Painting3,3708
Blues for the Blues Wall Painting9854
Ceci N’est Pas Une Poire3752
Chic Shoe Fashion Poster651
Cool Serenade1,1201
Coq au Peinture3952
Delightful Dino Stencil60
Dramatic Cooking Poster651
Etude in Blue7304
Eyes for Nature Paiting3052
Floral Revelation3952
Fluffy Clouds Stencil35
Fruit on Fruit Watercolor Set2251
Gravity & Light Contemporary Watercolor2251
Heavenly Wall Decal30
Henry Puffer Poster601
History of the World, Print 32,4157
Hot & Cold Tech Spec Poster180
I Otter Be a Star Pop Art1,030
Jazz Cats: Whiskers of a Forgotten Past1,4555
Just Justin Fan Poster601
Kick It, Sally Soccer Poster651
Land-Coral Garden7,50010
Lemon Branch Contemporary Watercolor501
Light of My Life Painting2,635
Martian Memories Landscape9854
Mega Art4552
My House Kid’s Painting2652
Mystery Poser Antique Portrait6403
No. 46 Landscape1,0304
Ode to Jazz 1: Golden2902
Ode to Jazz 2: Goldentips6703
Ode to Jazz 3: Sea Bass6103
Ode to Jazz 4: Feeling Blue6403
Ode to Jazz 5: Ivory7003
Ode to Jazz 6: Ghost Quartet9404
Ode to Jazz Triptych Trio1,1204
Ode to Jazz Wall Painting 2: Goldentips in Gold1,5305
On Phantom Wing Wall Art2852
Portrait of a Marriage4,0009
Raising a Reader Kid’s Poster551
Read-asaurus Rex Kid’s poster651
Revanne Poster2,195
Rock My Universe Pinup Girl2452
Roman Temple Architectural Study3752
Rorschach Bunnies50
Saxophone in Silhouette4952
Slightly Damp Poster651
Snow Falling on Cinders Abstract Art4352
Spuds in Space Potato Print2752
Still Life with Apple and Pitcher and Books and Bottles and Flowers395
Study of the Human Form575
Teen Idol Poster601
Tenor Mood1,1201
The Amour-propre7604
The Illustrated Sports Poster651
The Intrepid4152
The Pianist4572
The Primrose Path2001
The Recondite4352
Treebra Series 4, Print 3373252
Unidentified Creature Stencil65
Viva La Landscape2,1957
Viva More of a La Landscape8,00010
Winsome Growth Chart201
Working for Peanuts Wall Painting301
MuurdecoratieKostenBonus voor omgeving
Wainscott Gardens Dining Cabinet1,3704
Wake Me Up Antique Coffee Pot3752
Wall o’ Gym Lockers, Large1001
Wall o’ Gym Lockers, Small1001


ItemKostenBonus voor omgeving
A Gathering of Garden Stones451
Always Polished Nail Polish1651
Antique Tomes620
Apple of Your Eye Framed Watercolor401
Body Care Essentials501
Caress Pitcher1001
Ceramic Cookie Jar1001
Cluttered Mind Box Set451
Countertop Kitchen Utensils751
Florist’s Dream Antiqued Essentials2602
Florist’s Dream Gardening Tools1251
Florist’s Dream Starter Kit551
Happy Teeth Tooth Brush Set351
Just for Me Bath Basket401
Ladies’ Perfume1401
Lucky Man Folded Laundry951
Mega Couple of Books451
Men’s Body Care Essentials551
Men’s Cologne2001
Men’s Shoe Rack1201
Nom de Plume Quill Pen810
On Phantom Wing Framed Art701
Painting Canvas Storage Rack640
Pear Essentials Framed Watercolor351
Pencil Holder651
Pile of Sports Equipment751
Pretty as a Pitcher1001
Pritchel Coat Rack851
Pro-Quality Knife Block Set2901
Scholarly Stack1201
School Binders and Bookend1801
Softy Brand Tissues251
Spice of Life Spice Rack5452
Stack of CD’s570
Stack of Canvases3,000
The Don’t Break Your Backpack1701
The Fairest Trade Crate Display1751
Tray Chic Perfume Set2251
Vintage Books601
Woman’s Shoe Rack1201


Between the Lines Full-Length Mirror415
Captain Chaz McFreely Elegant Mirror260
Captain Chaz McFreely Mirror790
Captain Chaz McFreely Porthole Mirror2400
Floored by Symmetry Standing Mirror70
Garlic-Scented Mirror105
Great Wall Mirror50
I Only Have Eyes for Me Wall Mirror910
Imprisoned Vanity Mirror375
Magical Me Kid’s Mirror65
Mission Not Accomplished Wall Mirror150
Morning Glory Bathroom Mirror75
Pain to Pane Mirrored Medicine Cabinet145
Riveting Standing Mirror455
Straight-up Wall Mirror395
Sunny Days Wall Mirror40
The Covert135
The Obverse100
The Sincerity95
The Source90
Vacuum-Safe Mirror140
Vision of You185
Vision of You Mirror535
What a Star You Are Wall Mirror910
Who’s That Baby? Baby Mirror55
Wonderous Me Wall Mirror130


ItemKostenBonus voor comfort
“The Boss” Executive Desk Chair1853
Arrrmed Dining Chair9008
Arrrmed Living Chair4105
Arrrmless Dining Chair2354
Barely Cushy Tushy Chair1202
Captain Rodrigo De Pablo Dining Chair1253
Caress Chair1152
Cavil Dining Chair7357
Cloud Chair1851
Crate Expectations Leather Chair5105
Deep Delight Lounge Chair5504
Embrace Chair165
Evil Am Eye Swiveler13,0007
Intelligence Desk Chair1001
Joliette Desk Chair60
Kindermade Chair30
Lap of Luxury Modern Chair150
Mega Dining Chair901
Mega Living Chair1951
Mini Me Armchair115
Mission Undecided Armchair4304
Pretty Sitter7606
Salyut Aeronaut Chair7706
Saught Drafting Chair55
Simplicit-Ease Chair160
Sooner or Later Contemporary Dining Chair50
Supersonic Dining Chair901
Termagant Dining Chair1202
The Commissioner801
The Sleepthrone3203
The Solidarity3053
The Swiveler8057
The Thinker7303


ItemKostenBonus voor omgeving
A Stroke of Genius395
Animal Squares Kid’s Rug70
Bath Essentials Happy Toes Mat50
Blooming Hospitality Runner90
Brilliant Brocade565
Caress Carpet80
Fleur-de-Lis Area Rug100
Half-Hearted Hospitality Mat50
Happy Family Rug65
Hopscotch Runner135
Into the Rose225
Kindermade Kushy Floor Floor Art55
Lattice In Indoor-Outdoor Rug (Large)375
Lattice In Indoor-Outdoor Rug (Runner)155
Lattice In Indoor-Outdoor Rug (Small)50
Living Color Rug930
Magic Carpet4152
Native Ways Handmade Rug355
Nature Silhouettes145
Nom de Plume Antiqued Rug110
On the Spot80
Outside the Box Modern Rug825
Princess Cordelia Royal Rug205
Run to Me Runner110
Safety Area Rug75
Show Your Stripes235
Sim Idol Rug215
Snug Rug2552
Square Rug6502
Super Sisal Eco Rugs (Large)720
Super Sisal Eco Rugs (Medium)150
Super Sisal Eco Rugs (Small)50
Super Sisal Eco Rugs (Square)285
Textural Textiles Rug (Large)755
Textural Textiles Rug (Medium)435
Textural Textiles Rug (Small)50
The Elysium85
The Indispensable140
The Meridian5152
Welcome? Mat105



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